Good Reads - Title list with links
a space lname "," fname p
1177 B.C. The Year Civilization Collapsed
Cline, Eric H.
21500 miles alone in a canoe
Watson , Don B.
3 titles bound in one volume - Tintin in America - Cigars of the Pharoh - The Blue Lotis
Herge..pen name of. , Georges Prosper Remi (b 1907 d 1983)
500 Days
Testa , Serge
Admiral of the ocean sea - a life of Christopher Columbus
Morrison , Samuel Eliot
Jones , Tristan
The Adventures of Ibn Battuta A muslim Traveler of the 14th Century
Dunn, Ross E.
Adventures of Tintin - The Broken Ear
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - The Shooting Star
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - Destination Moon
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - The Crab with the Golden Claws
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - Cigars of the Pharaoh
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - Explorers on the Moon
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - King Ottokars Sceptre
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - The Black Island
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - The Blue Lotus
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - The Seven Crystal Balls
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures of Tintin - Tintin in America
Herge , Georges P. Remi
Adventures under sail - selected writings of H.W. Tilman
Purves , Libby (editor) - H.W. Tilman
After 1177 B.C. the Survival of Civilizations
Cline, Eric H.- 1960
The Age of Wood - our most useful material and the construction of civilization
Ennos, Roland
Airlift - Short Stories
Seale , Jan Epton
Aka (written as fiction)
Jones , Tristan
Aku Aku the Secret of Easter Island
Heyerdahl , Thor -- 1914-2002
Alaska - The Harriman expedition
Burroughs, John - - Muir, John - - and others
Alchemyst - the secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel ( number 1 in the series _
Scott , Michael
Alexander von Humboldt - a Metabiography
Rupke, Nicolas A.
All Fishermen are Liars
Greenlaw , Linda
All in the Same Boat
McCall.Fiona and , Howard.Paul
Alone Through the Roaring Forties
Dumas, Vito
Along the Edge of America
Jenkins , Peter
Ambrose Bierces Civil War
Bierce, Ambrose
American Original - The Life of J. Frank Dobie
Tinkle , Lon
Arabia through the looking glass (1979)
Raban , Jonathan
Harrigan , Stephen
The Armada (Spanish of 1588)
Mattingly, Garrett
The Arms of Krupp 1587-1968
Manchester, William
Around America - a tour of our magnificent coastline
  Cronkite , Walter
Arthur Ransome Storyteller
Wardale, Roger
Arthur Ransome under sail - Racundra - Nancy Blackett - Lottie Blossom - Peter Duck - Selena King
Wardale , Roger
At any Cost - Love - Life and Death at Sea
Tangvald , Peter
Attack at Michilimackinac 1763
Henry - ed. by Armour.David A. , Alexander
Autobiography of Arthur Ransome
Ransome , Arthur
An Author Bites the Dust
Upfield, Arthur W.
Bachelors of Broken Hill
Upfield , Arthur W.
Bad Land - an American Romance
Raban , Jonathan
Baden-Powell - Founder of the Boy Scouts
Jeal , Tim
Baden-Powell - the two lives of a hero
Hillcourt - with Olave Lady Baden-P , William
Band Saw projects
Crabb , Tom
Barefoot Navigator - Wayfinding with the Skills of the Ancients
Lagan, Jack
Baseless. my search for secrets in the ruins of the Freedom of Information Act
Baker, Nicholson
A Basic History of Germany
Lowenstein, Hubertus
HMS Beagle - the story of Darwins ship
Thompson, Keith S.
Beautiful Swimmers - Watermen. Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay
Warner , William E.
Anonymous , B
Beyond the Edge of the Sea - Sailing with Janson and the Argonauts.Ulysses.the Vikings.and
Obregon , Mauricio
Big Rich - The rise and fall of the greatest Texas oil fortunes
Burrough , Brian
Big Six
Ransome , Arthur
Biggest Boat I could Afford - sailing up the U.S. Coast in a dingy
Hughes , Lee
Bimini Twist - A Jane Bunker Mystery
Greenlaw, Linda
Bismark and his times
Kent , George O.
Black Joke
Mowat , Farley
Blessing Way (1970) ISBN 0-06-011896-2
Hillerman , Tony
Blind Horns Hate
Hough , Richard
Blood Red Snow White (fictionalized biography of Arthur Ransome)
Sedgwick, Marcus
Blood from a Stone one of the commisario Guido Brunetti mystery series
Leon, Donna
Blood River - a journey to Africas broken heart
Butcher, Tim
Blue Latitudes - Boldly going where Captain Cook has gone before
Horwitz, Tony
Boat who wouldnt float
Mowat , Farley
Boats - Egyptian Bookshelf (series)
Jones , Dilwyn
Bone is pointed
Upfield, Arthur W.
Bounty - The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty
Alexander, Caroline
Bounty - The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty (on tape)
Alexander, Caroline
Boy Me and the Cat - Cruise of the Mascot 1912-1913
Plummer, Henry M.
The Boy Who Fell to Shore - the Extraordinary Life and Mysterious disappearance of Thomas Thor Tangvald
Doane, Charles J.
Brazil and Beyond
Hill, Annie
Breaking the Shell Voyaging from Nuclear Refugees to People of the Sea in the Marshall Islands
Genz, Joseph H.
The Brendan Voayge
Severin. Tim
Bring on the Empty Horses
&bsp; & Niven , David
Brother Cadfael's Penance (1994.set in November 1145)
Peters , Ellis
Buehlers Backyard Boatbuilding
Buehler, George
The Burgler in the Library
Block, Lawrence
Bushman Who Came Back
Upfield , Arthur W.
By Way of the Wind
Moore, Jim - 1936
Cache Lake Country - Life in the north woods.
Rowlands , John J.
Cannary Row
Steinbeck , John 1902-1968
Canoeing with the Cree - a 2,250 mile voyage from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay
Sevareid, Eric
Canterbury Tales - - rendered into modern English by Nevill Coghill
Chaucer ,Geoffrey
Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Coghill , Nevill (translator)
Capt. Joshua Slocum - the adventures of Americas best known sailor
Slocum , Victor
Captain Flint's Trunk
Hardymet , Christina
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton - the secret agent who made a pilgrimage ... Mecca
Rice , Edward
Carry on Mr. Bowditch
Latham, Jean Lee
Garza, Sylvia Sanchez
Case files of the Tracker - true stories from Americas greatest outdoorsman
Brown Jr. , Tom
Catboat Summers
Conway , John E.
Cave of Bones - a Leaphorn, Chee and Manuelito Novel
Hillerman, Anne
Charles de Foucauld - Charles of Jesus
Antier , Jean-Jacques
Michener , James A. - 1907-1997
Chidiock Tichborne II
Chiles, Webb - - (third -book- in this authors circumnavigation series)
Chief - The Life Story of Robert Baden-Powell
Wade , Eileen K.
Chimes from a Wooden Bell - A hundred years in the life of a Euro-Armenian
Altounyan , Taqui
Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History
de Kock, Edwin
Christopher Columbus
Granzotto , Gianni
Coasting - A Private Voyage (around Great Britain)
Raban , Jonathan
Collision Course Andrea Doria and Stockholm -
Moscow, Alvin
Complete Cruiser - the art practice and enjoyment of boating
Herreshoff , L. Francis
Complete Yurt Handbook
King , Paul
Comrade Don Camillo
Guareschi , Giovanni
Confession of Brother Haluin (1988.set in December 1142)
Peters , Ellis
Conquering the Pacific . an unknown mariner and the final great voyage of the age of discovery
Resendez, Andres
The Control of Nature
McPhee, John A.
Coot Club
Ransome , Arthur
Coots in the North and other stories introduced by Hugh Brogan
Ransome, Arthur
Coronado s children - tales of lost mines and buried treasures of the SW
Dobie , J. Frank
Count Lukner - the Sea Devil
Thomas , Lowell
Coyote Waits (1990) ISBN 0-06-016370-4
Hillerman , Tony
The Craft of Sail
Adkins, Jan
Crooked cucumber - the life and Zen teaching of Shunryu Suzuki
Chadwick , David
Cry of the Heron
Allan , Dick
Crystal Cave
Stewart , Mary
Curve of Time
Blanchet , M. Wylie (Muriel Wylie) aka Capi
Cycles - the mysterious forces that trigger events
Dewey, Edward R.
Dance Hall of the Dead (1973) ISBN 0-06-011898-9
Hillerman , Tony
Dark Wind (1982) ISBN 0-06-014936-1
Hillerman , Tony
Dead Man's Ransom (1984.set in February 1141)
Peters , Ellis
Dear and glorious physician.
Caldwell , Taylor
Death at La Fenice the first of the commisario Guido Brunetti mystery series
Leon, Donna
Death in the Long Grass - a big game hunters adventures in the African Bush
Capstone, Peter Hathaway
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Deception Point
Brown, Dan
Desert Queen -The extraordinary life of Gertrude Bell - Adventurer Advisor
Wallach , Jan
Designer and Client - Eight Boat Design Commissions. from Kayak to Cruiser
Dias , Antonio
Desperate Hours - The Epic Rescue of the Andrea Doria
Goldstein, Richard
Devils Highway - a true story
Urrea , Luis Alberto
Devils Novice (1983.set in September 1140)
Peters , Ellis
Dewey Decimated
Goodrum, Charles A.
Distant Mirror - the calamitous 14th Century
Tuchman , Barbara W.
Distant Mirror - the calamitous fourteenth century
Tuchman , Barbara W.
Dogs Tale
Twain , Mark
Don Camillo Meets the Flower Children (Don Camillo Meets the Hells Angels - UK title)
Guareschi , Giovanni
Don Camillo and his flock
Guareschi , Giovanni
Don Camillo takes the Devil by the Tail
Guareschi , Giovanni
Don Camillos dilemma
Guareschi , Giovanni
Down the Nile - alone in a fishermans skiff
Mahoney , Rosemary
Dr. Zhivago
Pasternak, Boris L.
Duncan and Clotilda - an extravaganza with a long digression
Guareschi , Giovanni
Dutch Treat (considered fiction)
Jones , Tristan
Endurance - Shackletons Incredible Voyage
Lansing, Alfred
East is a Big Bird - Navigation and Logic on Puluwat Atoll
Gladwin , Thomas
Elements of Boat Strength - for Builders. Designers and Owners
Gerr , Dave
Elizabeth Blackburn and the story of telomeres - deciphering the ends of DNA
Brady , Catherine
Encounters of a Wayward Sailor
Jones , Tristan
Erasmus of Christendom
Bainton, Roland
Excellent Mystery (1985.set in August 1141)
Peters , Ellis
Explorers journeys to the Ends of the Earth
Balchin, Jon
Facing the Congo - a modern-day journey into the heart of darkness
Taylor, Jeffrey
The Facts of Life and other dirty jokes
Nelson, Willie
Fair Winds and Far Places
Mann , Zane B.
Fallen Man (1996) ISBN 0-06-017773-X
Hillerman , Tony
Family Guareschi - Chronciles of the Past and Present.
Guareschi , Giovanni
Fearful Void (Sahara)
Moorhouse , Geoffrey
The Fight of the Firecrest - the Record of a Lone-Hand Cruise, From East to West, Across the Atlantic
Gerbault, Alain - - 1893-1941
Finding Moon (1995) ISBN 0-06-017772-1
Hillerman , Tony
Finding the Mother Tree - discovering the wisdom of the forest
Simard, Suzanne
First Eagle (1998) ISBN 0-06-017581-8
Hillerman , Tony
First voyage of the Joshua
Moitessier , Bernard
Fishermans Bend - a Jane Bunker mystery
Greenlaw , Linda
Five-year Voyage - exploring Latin American Coasts and Rivers
Ladd, Stephen
Floating Down the Country - a 79 day adventure down the Mississippi New Orleans
Mohlke , Matthew
Fly on the Wall (1971) ISBN 0-06-011897-0
Hillerman , Tony
Folk Medicine
Jarvis MD , D.C.
Following the Curve of Time - The Legendary M. Wylie Blanchet
Converse , Cathy
Following the Equator - a journey around the world - volume 1,- Hawaii - Pacific - Australia - New Zealand
Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens)
Following the Equator - a journey around the world - volume 2 - Ceylon - India - S Africa,
Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens)
Francis Bacon - the temper of a man
Bowen, Catherine Drinker
Freakonomics - a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything
Levitt.Steven D. and , Dubner.Steven J.
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Konigsburg, E.L.
From the Republic of the Rio Grande - a Personal History of the Place and the People.
de la Garza, Beatriz
The Genius of China - 3,000 years of science discovery and invention
Temple, Robert K.G.
Ghostway (1984) ISBN 0-06-015396-2
Hillerman , Tony
Gipsy Moth Circles the World
Chichester, Francis
Glorious Adventure
Halliburton, Richard
Gondola the Venetian boat
Leon, Donna
Good Little Ship - The
Gilpin , Vincent
Gorky Park
Smith , Martin Cruz
The Great Chinese Travelers - an anthology
Mirsky, Jeannette, editor
Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles
Great Northern
Ransome , Arthur
Great Taos Bank Robbery and other tales ... (1973) ISBN 0-8263-0306-4
Hillerman , Tony
Gardner 1933-1982 , John
Grey Seas Under
Mowat, Farley
Gulf the making of an American Sea
Davis, Jack E.
Guns of August (the first 100 days of World War 1)
Tuchman , Barbara W.
Half Moon . Henry Hudson and the voyage that redrew the map of the New World
Hunter, Douglas
Hands of Cantu
Lea, Tom
Happy Isles of Oceania
Theroux , Paul
Hateship. friendship. courtship. loveship. marriage. stories
Munro , Alice
Havanna Bay
Smith , Martin Cruz
Heart of Oak (certainly fiction as far as Jones participation)
Jones ,Tristan
In the Heart of the Sea - the tragedy of the whaleship Essex
Philbrick, Nathaniel
Heretics Apprentice (1990.set in June 1143)
Peters , Ellis
Hermit of Eyton Forest (1988.set in October 1142)
Peters , Ellis
The Hidden Life of Trees. what they feel. How they communicate. Discoveries from a secret world.
Wohlleben, Peter
Hills and the Sea
Belloc, Hilaire
A History of the Navigators Sextant
Cotter, Charles H.
History of the Zodiac
by Powell, Robert
HMS Beagle - the story of Darwins ship
Thompson, Keith S.
Hollow Hills
Stewart , Mary
Holy Thief (1992.set in August 1144)
Peters , Ellis
House of Niccolo - series -
Dunnett , Dorothy
House that Nino Built
Guareschi , Giovanni
How to Avoid Huge Ships or I never met a ship I liked
Trimmer , John W.
How to build a tin canoe - Confessions of an Old Salt
White , Robb
Hull the Sail and the Rudder - my search for the boundries of the body mind and soul
Seale , Avrel
Hungry Ocean - a swordboat captains journey
Greenlaw , Linda
The Hunt for Red October
clancy, Tom
Hunter , John A.
Hunting Badger (1999) ISBN 0-06-019289-5
Hillerman , Tony
Iacocca an autobiography
Iacocca , Lee
Ice (considered totally fiction)
Jones , Tristan
Lewis, David
Improbable voyage
Jones , Tristan
In Search of Omar Khayyam
Dashti , Ali
In Search of Robinson Crusoe
Severin , Tim
In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead (a Dave Robicheaux novel)
Burke, James Lee
In the Heart of the Sea - the tragedy of the whaleship Essex
Philbrick, Nathaniel
In Trouble Again - A journey between the Orinoco and the Amazon
OHanlon , Redmond
In the Footsetps of Lewis and Clark
Snyder, Gerald S.
In the footsteps of the Swallows and Amazons - 19 illustrated walks
Kendall-Price , Claire
Incredible Voyage
Jones , Tristan
Indian Ocean copy
Villiers , Alan J
Indian Ocean
Villiers, Alan J. 1903-1982
Indian Tipi - its history. construction and use
Laubin , Reginald and Gladys
Inside the Third Reich - memoir
Speer, Albert
Into the Heart of Borneo
OHanlon , Redmond
The Invention of Cuneiform - Writing in Sumer
by Glassner, Jean-Jacques translated by Aainab Bahrani and Marc van De Mieroop
Isaac Newton the Last Socerer by White, Michael
Islands at the Edge of Time - A Journey to Americas Barrier Islands
Hansen , Gunnar
Isaac Newton the Last Socerer by White, Michael
Its Me O Lord - the autobiography of Rockwell Kent
Kent , Rockwell
Jagular goes everywhere - mis adventures in a 300 dollar sailboat
Pamperin, Tom
John Paul Jones - a sailors biography
Morrison , Samuel Eliot
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Bach , Richard
Journey with Caravel - We ran away to sea.
Carlisle, Fred
Moon Wind at Large - Sailing Hither and Yon
Constant Waterman (Goldman , Matthew )
Journals of the Constant Waterman
Goldman , Matthew
Joys of Yiddish
Rosten , Leo
Kingdom by the sea - A Journey around the Coast of Great Britain
Theroux , Paul
Kodoku - Sailing Alone Across the Pacific
Horie, Kenichi
Kon Tiki expedition
Heyerdahl , Thor -- 1914-2002
Kraken - the curious, exciting, and slightly disturbing science of squid.
Williams, Wendy
Kurun around the world
Le Tourmelin , Jacques-Yves
Kurun in the Caribbean 1953-1955
Le Tourmelin, Jacques-Yves
Putegnat , Michael
Last Englishman - the double life of Arthur Ransome
Chambers , Roland
The Last Crusader - a novel about Don Juan of Austria
De Wohl, Luis
Last Navigator
Thomas, Stephen D.
Isaac Newton the Last Socerer by White, Michael
Latitude Zero - tales of the Equator
Guadalupi, Gianni and Shugaar, Anthony
Legends of the Fall (also Revenge - also The Man who gave up his name - bound in 1 book)
Harrison , Jim
Leper of Saint Giles (1981.set in October 1139)
Peters , Ellis
Lewis and Clark through Indian Eyes
Josephy, Alvin M. Jr.
The Librarian who Measured the Earth (a short biography of Eratosthenes)
Lasky, Katnryn
Library - an unquiet history Battles, Matthew
A Life Full of Hobbies by Blandford, Pearcy W.
Life of Arthur Ransome
Brogan , Hugh
Life of Mark Twain
Powers , Ron
Life on Matagorda Island
McAlister , Wayne H.
Life on the Mississippi
Twain, Mark (Clemens, Samuel L.) - 1835-1910
Life on the Mississsippi an epic American Adventure
Buck, Rinker
Light Eaters - how the unseen world of plant intelligence offers a new understanding of life on earth
Schlanger, Zoe
Lighthouses, Lightships, and Beacons of Texas - a comprehensive field guide
Hall, Richard S.
Listening Woman (1978) ISBN 0-06-011901-2
Hillerman , Tony
Little world of Don Camillo
Guareschi , Giovanni
Lo-Tech Navigator
  Crowley , Tony
Lobster Chronicles - life on a very small island
Greenlaw , Linda
Lone Voyager - the extraordinary adventures of Howard Blackburn, Hero Fisherman of Gloucester
Garland, Joseph A.
Long Valley (short stories)
Steinbeck, John 1902-1968
Dobie , J. Frank
Looking for a Ship
McPhee , John A.
Lore of the Wreckers
Shepard , Birse
Lost City of Z A tale of deadly obsession in the Amazon
Grann, David
Lost History of Christianity - The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East
Jenkins - (John P. Jenkins) , Philip
Lugworm Homeward Bound - Greece to England in an Open Dingy
Duxbury , Ken
Lugworm Island Hopping
Duxbury , Ken
Lure of the Bush
Upfield , Arthur W.
Magic Journey (1978)
Nichols , John T.
The Magic of the Swatchways
Griffiths, Maurice
Magician - the secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel ( Number 2 in the series _
Scott , Michael
Make your own Sails
Bowker, R.M.(Robert Marshland) and Budd, S.A. (Stanley Arthur)
The Making of African Queen
Hepburn, Kathrine
Maldive Mystery
Heyerdahl , Thor -- 1914-2002
A Man for All Oceans - Captain Joshua Slocum and the first solo voygae around the globe - biography
Grayson, Stan
The Man Who Loved China ( biography of Joseph Needham )
Winchester, Simon
The Man Who Made Things out of Trees
Penn, Robert
Man Who Thought Like a Ship
Steffy , Loren C.
Man of Two Tribes
Upfield , Arthur W.
Marching Wind ( China )
Clark , Leonard (Leonard Francis)
Meier, John p.
A Marginal Jew - rethinking the historical Jesus
Mayordomo - chronicle of an acequia in northern New Mexico
Crawford , Stanley
The Measure of All Things - the Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error that transformed the world
Alder, Ken
Meetings with Remarkable Men
Gurdjieff 1872-1949 , Georges Ivanovitch
Meetings with Remarkable Men - (1949)
Gurdjieff 1872-1949 , Georges Ivanovitch
Milagro Beanfield War (1974)
Nichols , John T.
Missee Lee
Ransome , Arthur
Moby Duck - The True Story of 28000 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachcombers.Oceanographers ...
Hohn , Donovan
Monks Hood 1980.set in December 1138)
Peters , Ellis
Moon Wind at Large - Sailing Hither and Yon
Goldman , Matthew - The Constant Waterman
Morbid Taste for Bones (written in 1977.set in 1137)
Peters (Edith Pargeter) , Ellis
Murder Must Wait
Upfield , Arthur W.
Dobie, J. Frank
My Home Sweet Home - translation of Corrierno delle Famiglie
Guareschi , Giovanni
My Lively Lady
Rose, Alec
My old man and the sea a father and son sail around Cape Horn
Hayes , David and Daniel
Mystery of the Burnt Cottage - (The first adventure of the five finder-outers and Bust...
Blyton , Enid
Nancy Blackett - under sail with Arthur Ransome
Wardale , Roger
The Natural Navigator
Gooley, Tristan
Nature of Boats
Gerr , Dave
Navajo Tribal Police stories ...
Hillerman , Tony
New Shoe
Upfield , Arthur W.
New Worlds to Conquer (travel in the Americas in 1928)
Halliburton, Richard
Niccolo Rising (1986)
Dunnett , Dorothy
Night over water
Follett, Ken
Nirvana Blues (1981)
Nichols , John T.
No Footprints in the Bush (also published as Bushranger of the Skies)
Upfield , Arthur W.
No Mercy. A Journey Into the Heart of the Congo
OHanlon , Redmond
Not All Plain Sailing
Sinnett-Jones , David
The Novel
Michener, James A. - 1907-1997
Oar and Sail - an odyssey of the west coast
Leighton , Kenneth M.
Old Glory - A Voyage Down the Mississippi
Raban , Jonathan
, Old Peters Russian Tales
Ransome, Arthur
Old Soggy no. 1 the uninhibited story of Slats Rogers
Rodgers.Slats. and , Stilwell.Hart
Old Soggy no. 1 - the uninhibited story of Slats Rogers
Stilwell.Hart and , Rodgers.Slats.
On Board a U.S. Submarine
Theiss, Lewis E. 1878-
On My Honor - Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts are worth fighting for
Perry (Governor of Texas), Rick
On the Decay of the Art of Lying
Twain , Mark
On the Water - Discovering America in a Rowboat
Stone , Nathaniel
One Corpse Too Many 1979.set in August 1138)
Peters , Ellis
One Minute Manager
Blanchard.Kenneth H and , Johnson.Spencer
One hand for yourself - One for the Ship - The essential Tristan Jones
Jones , Tristan
The Ocean Waits
Chiles, Webb
The Old Indio
Hathcock, Steve
The Old Man and the Sea
Hemingway, Ernest
The Open Boat - Across the Pacific
Chiles, Webb
Our Oldest Enemy - a history of Americas disasterous relationship with France
Miller.John J. and , Molesky.Mark
Outward Leg (sailing a trimaran from San Diego USA to London UK
Jones , Tristan
Padre Puzzle - a mystery novel
Harry , David
Palimpsest - a history of the written word
Battles, Matthew
Papa Hemingway
Hotchner, A.E.
Papa Hemingway - a personal memoir
Hotchner, A.E.
Paper - paging through history
Kurlansky, Mark
Passage to Juneau - a sea and its meanings
Raban , Jonathan
Passion for Life - Adventure against the odds
Sinnett-Jones , David
A Pen Warmed-up in Hell by Mark Twain - Samuel Clemens
People Of Darkness (1980) ISBN 0-06-011907-1
Hillerman , Tony
Perfect Storm
Junger , Sebastian
Peter Duck
Ransome , Arthur
f_ransapirepo1936b.htm"> Pigeon Post
Ransome, Arthur
Picts and the Martyrs
Ransome , Arthur
Picts and Martyrs or not welcome at all second reading in 2020
by Ransome, Arthur
Pigeon Post
Ransome , Arthur
Pigeon Post second reading 2021
Ransome , Arthur
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
Dillard , Annie
Pilgrim of Hate (1984.set in May 1141)
Peters , Ellis
Plutarchs Lives
Polar Star
Smith , Martin Cruz
Portolan Atlas of the Mediterranean Sea and Western European Waters (with a World Map)
Oliva , Juan
Poso del mundo. inside the Mexican-American border.from Tijuana to Matamoros
Demaris , Ovid
Potters Field (1990.set in August 1143)
Peters , Ellis
Practical Dinghy Cruiser
Constantine , Paul
Prince of the Marshes and other occupational hazards of a year in Iraq
Stewart , Rory
Prisoner of the Indies - the adventures of Miles Philips as told by Geoffrey Household
Household , Geoffrey
Professor and the madman - A Tale of Murder.Insanity.and the Making of the Oxford English
Winchester , Simon
PT 109 - John F. Kennedy in World War II
Donovan, Robert J.
Queen of the Desert - a biography of thefemale Lawrence of Arabia. Gertrude Bell by Mason, Fergus
The Queens Conjurer - the science and magic of Dr. John Dee, adviser to Queen Elizabeth I
Woolley, Benjamin
Ra expeditions
Heyerdahl , Thor -- 1914-2002
Race of Scorpions (1989)
Dunnett , Dorothy
The Race to the New World - Christopher Columbus, John Cabot and a Lost History of Discovery
Hunter, Douglas
Ransome in Russia, Arthurs adventures in Eastern Europe
Alexander, Ted and Tatiana Verizhnikova -
Ransome Revisited
Mace, Elisabeth
Dobie , J. Frank
Raven in the Foregate (1986.set in December 1141)
Peters , Ellis
Red Sea Run. two sailors in a sea of trouble
Goodlander, Fatty (Gary)
Red Square
Smith , Martin Cruz
Revelation of the Magi - the lost tale of the Wise Mens Journey to Bethlehem
Landau , Brent (translator)
Revenge of Geography-what the map tells us about coming conflicts and battle agaist fate
Kaplan , Robert D.
Riddle of the Compass - the invention that changed the world
Aczel, Amir D..
Rising from the Plains
McPhee, John A.
River of Doubt
Millard, Candice
Rock with Wings
Hillerman, Anne
Rod and Line
Ransome, Arthur
Roman Army - pocket dictionary
Abdy, Richard
Ropemakers of Plymouth - a history of the Plymouth Cordage Company 1824-1949
Morison , Samuel Eliot 1887-1976
Rose Rent (1986.set in June 1142)
Peters , Ellis
Rough Medicine - Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail
Druett , Joan
Roughing It
Twain, Mark - 1835-1910
Running toward Danger - Real Life Scouting Action Stories of Heroism, Valor and Guts.
Malone, Michael S.
Saber-Tooth Curriculum
Peddiwell , J. Abner
Sacred Clowns (1993) ISBN 0-06-016767-X
Hillerman , Tony
Saga of a Wayward Sailor
Jones , Tristan
Sahara Unveiled - A journey across the desert
Langewiesche , William
Sailing Alone Around the World
Slocum , Joshua
Sailing Alone Around the World
Slocum , Joshua
Sailing Boats
Fox , Uffa
Sailing back in Time A nostalgic voyage on Canadas west coast
Coffey , Maria and Dag Goering
Sailing Just for Fun - High Adventure on a Small Budget
by Stock, A.C. - (aka Charles Stock) (died 2015)
Sailing through China
Theroux , Paul
Sailing Uphill, an Unconventinoal Life on the Water
McKinney, Sam - 1927-
Sailing with Vancouver. a modern sea dog, antique charts and a voyage through time
McKinney, Sam - 1927-
Saint Intervenes
  Charteris , Leslie
Saint Peter's Fair (1981.set in July 1139)
Peters , Ellis
Saint and the Hapsburg Necklace
Short, Christopher (marketed under Leslie Charteris)
Saint and the Hapsburg Necklace
Charteris , Leslie - Short.Christopher (actual author)
Salt Stained Book (Strong Winds series no.1)
Jones , Julia
Salvage for the Saint
Charteris , Leslie - Peter Blossom - John Kruse
Sanctuary Sparrow (1983.set in the Spring of 1140)
Peters , Ellis
A Sand County Almanac
Leopold, Aldo - 1886-1948
Sapiens a brief history of humankind
Harari, Yuval Noah
Saving Paradise - How Christianity traded love of this world for crucifixion and empire
Nakashima Brock. Rita and , Parker. Rebecca Ann
Scales of Gold (1991)
Dunnett , Dorothy
Scouting with Baden-Powell
Freedman , Russell
Scouts honor - a fathers unlikely foray into the woods
Applebome , Peter
Sea-Boats, Oars and Sails
O Brian, Connor
The Sea Chest - a yachtsmans reader
Rimington, Critchell, editor
Sea Gypsy
Tangvald , Peter
The Sea is for Sailing
Pye, Peter
A Sea of Troubles A commisario Guido Brunetti mystery
Leon, Donna
Sea Vagabonds world - boats and sails distant shores islands and lagoons
Moitessier , Bernard
Seagulls in my soup
Jones , Tristan
Seaworthy - Adrift with William Willis in the Golden Age of Rafting
Pearson , T.R.
Seaworthy - a swordboat captain returns to the sea
Greenlaw , Linda
Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia
Knightly.Philip and , Simpson.Colin
The Secret of the Hittites - the discovery of an ancient empire
Ceram, C.W.
Secret Water
Ransome , Arthur
Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir by Tony Hillerman (2001) (autobiography) ISBN 0-06-019445-6
Hillerman , Tony
Selkirks Island
Souhami , Diana
Serpants Coil - A stunning true epic of storm and salvage in Mid Atlantic
Mowat , Farley
Setting Sails - a tribute to the Chinese Junk
Maitland, Derek
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Lawrence , T. E. (1888 - 1935)
Seven story Mountain
Merton , Thomas
Sextant - a young mans daring sea voyage and the men who mapped the worlds oceans
Barre, David
Shack - a novel
Young , William Paul
Shackletons Boat Journey
Worsley , Frank Arthur
The Sharpie Book
Parker, Reuel B.
Shape Shifter (2006) ISBN 978-0-06-056345-5
Hillerman , Tony
She Captains - Heroines and hellions of the Sea
Druett , Joan
The Shallows - What the Inernet is doing to our Brains.
Carr, Nicholas
The Ship and theStorm - Hurricane Mitch and the loss of the Fantome
Carrier, Jim
Shrimpy a record around-the-world voyage in an 18 foot yacht
Acton, Shane
Silver Chalice: A Story of the Cup of the Last Supper
Costain , Thomas B.
Simple Courage - A true story of peril on the sea
Delaney , Frank
The Sinbad Voyage
Severin, Tim
Sinister Pig (2003) ISBN 0-06-019443-X
Hillerman , Tony
Sisters of Sinai - How two lady adventurers discovered the hidden gospels
Soskice , Janet Martin
Six Galleons for the King of Spain
Rahn, Carla Philips
Skeleton Man (2004) ISBN 0-06-056344-3
Hillerman , Tony
Skeletons on the Zahara - A True Story of Survival
King , Dean
Skinwalkers (1986) ISBN 0-06-015695-3
Hillerman , Tony
Greenlaw , Linda
Slipping into Paradise - why I live in New Zealand
Moussaieff Masson , Jeffrey
The Snow Leopard
Matthiessen, Peter
So Noble a Captain - the Life and Times of Ferdinand Magellan
Parr , Charles McKew
Some Part of Myself (autobiography)
Dobie , J. Frank
Somewheres East of Suez
Jones , Tristan
Song for Satawal
Brower , Kenneth
Song of the Lion
Hillerman, Anne
Sons of Sinbad - an account of sailing with the Arabs in their the Red Sea around
Villiers , Alan J
Soundings - the story of the Remarkable Woman Who Mapped the Ocean Floor (Marie Tharp)
Felt , Hali
The Source
Michener, James A. - 1907-
South - the story of Shackletons last expedition 1914-1917
Shackleton , Ernest (Sir)
Spains Men of the Sea - Daily Life on the Indies Fleets in the Sixteenth Century
Perez-Mallaina, Pablo E. - translated by Carla R. Philips Rahn
Spanish Sea - The Gulf of Mexico in North American Discovery 1500 - 1685
Weddle , Robert S.
A Speck on the Sea - epic voyages in the most improbable vessels
Longyard, William
Speedwell Voyage - A tale of piracy and mutiny in the eighteenth century
Poolman , Kenneth
Spider Womans Daughter
Hillerman, Anne
Spooky Wisconsin - Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and other Local Lore Schlosser, S.E.
Spring of the Ram (1987)
Dunnett , Dorothy
St. Augustine
Wills , Gary
Stalins Ghost - an Arkady Renko novel
Smith , Martin Cruz
Star to Steer Her by (same as Outward Leg)
Jones , Tristan
Stargazer Hillerman, Anne
The Starship and the Canoe
Brower, Kenneth
Steaming to Bamboola - The World of a Tramp Freighter
Buckley, Christopher
Steady Trade (considered as fiction)
Jones , Tristan
The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst
Tomalin, Nicholas and Hall, Ron
Summer of the Danes (1991.set in April 1144)
Peters , Ellis
Ransome , Arthur
Swallows and Amazons
Ransome , Arthur
Swallows and Armenians
Babayan, Karen
Swan - the second voyage
Moore, Jim - 1936
Tale Teller (2019)
Hillerman , Anne
Talking God (1989) ISBN 0-06-016118-3
Hillerman , Tony
Tamata and the alliance
Moitessier , Bernard
The Teachings of Don Juan - a Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Casgtaneda, Carlos
Tecate Journals - seventy days on the Rio Grande
Bowden , Keith
Teche a history of Louisanas most fameous bayou
Bernard, Shane K.
The Telomere Effect - a revolutionary approach to living younger, healthier, longer
Blackburn, Elizabeth and Epel, Elissa
They Were Expendable
White, William Lindsay, 1900-1973
Thief of Time (1988) ISBN 0-06-015938-3
Hillerman , Tony
This Thing of Darkness (about Fitzroy. Darwin and the Beagle)
Thompson , Harry
The Tide. the science and stories behind the greatest force on Earth
Aldersey-William, Hugh
Times Pendulum - The quest to capture time - from Sundials to Atomic Clocks
Barnett, Joe Ellen
Tinkerbelle - the Story of the Smallest Boat to Cross the Atlantic
Manry, Robert
Three Years in a Twelve-Foot Boat
Ladd , Stephen
Tigris expedition
Heyerdahl , Thor -- 1914-2002
Tipis Tepees Teepees - history and design of the cloth tipi
Holley , Linda A.
To Begin the World Over Again. Lawrence of Arabia from Damascus to Baghdad
Hulsman, John C.
Theroux, Paul
To the Ends of the Earth - the selected travels of Paul Theroux
To Venture Further
Jones , Tristan
Tongues of the Monte
Dobie , J. Frank
The Tony Hillerman Companion - a comprehensive guide to his life and work
edited by Greenberg, Martin
Torn Branch
Upfield , Arthur W.
Tortilla Flat
Steinbeck , John
Tough Cookie
Davidson , Diane Mott
Brown Jr. , Tom
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Shakespeare, William
The Travels ( Description of the World )
Polo, Marco
OHanlon , Redmond
Treasure of Kahn ( audio book on CD)
Cussler , Clive with Dirk Cussler
Trekka Around the World
Guzzwell, John
Trial by Ice - the true story of Murder and survival on the 1871 Polaris Expedition
Parry, Richard
Trustee in the Toolroom
Shute, Nevil (Norway) - 1889-1960
Tupaia. Captain Cook's Polynesian Navigator
Druett , Joan
Two Escaping the Last Battle
Rajaniemi, Brunhild
Uffa Fox a Personal Biography
Dixon , June
Uniform Justice A commisario Guido Brunetti mystery Leon, Donna
Unknown Shore - the Lost History of Englands Arctic Colony
Ruby, Robert
Unlikely Voyage of Jack de Crow - a Mirror odyssey from N. Wales to Black Sea
Mackinnon , A. J.
Vagabonding under Sail
Crealock, W.I.B. (Bill)
Valley of Smugglers
Upfield , Arthur W.
Martin , Malachi
Venetian Navigators - the Voyages of the Zen brothers to the far north
Robilant, Andrea di (Mr.)
Viking Gods
Haworth-Maden , Clare. editor
Virgin in the Ice (1982.set in November 1139)
Peters , Ellis
A Voyage Long and Strange - on the trail of the Vikings. Conquistadors. Lost Colonists. and Other Adventurers in Early America
Horwitz, Tony
Voyage of the Destroyer from New York to Brazil
Slocum , Joshua
The Voyage of the Golden Lotus
Clifford, Brian
Voyage of the Liberdade
Slocum , Joshua
Voyage of the Stella
Lawrence , R.D.
Voyage to Jamestown Practical Navigation in the Age of Discovery
Hicks , Robert D.
Voyages of Joshua Slocum (Voyage of the Liberdade. Voyage of the Destroyer from New York
Teller , Walter Magnes
Voyages to paradise. exploring in the wake of Captain Cook
Gray , William R
Voyaging on a Small Income
Hill, Annie
Voyaging - Southward from the Strait of Magellan
Kent , Rockwell
Wailing Wind (2002) ISBN 0-06-019444-8
Hillerman , Tony
Walden - and - A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers - and - Civil Disobedience - and - Life without Principle - and - Cape Cod - and - fragments from his Journals
Thoreau, Henry David -- 1817-1862
The Walkabouts - a family at sea
Saunders, Mike
Waterbiography (orig. pub in 1894)
Leslie , Robert C.
The Way of Herodotus travels with the man who invented history
Marozzi, Justin
Wayfinding - the science and mystery of how humans navigate the world
O Connor, M.R.
Wayward Sailor - in search of the real Tristan Jones
Dalton , Anthony
We didn t mean to go to sea
Ransome , Arthur
We the Navigators
Lewis, David
The Well at Worlds End
Mackinnon, A. J.
West in my eyes - a domestic circumnavigation.
Wiele , Annie van de
Westviking - the Ancient Norse in Greenland and North America
Mowat , Farley
Where have all the leaders gone
Iacocca , Lee
Where it all began Brownsea August 1907 - The First Experimental Scout Camp
Sica , Mario
White Savage
Upfield , Arthur W.
White Squall - the Last Voyage of Albatross
Langford , Richard E.
Whom the Sea Has Taken - 204 Days Alone on a Raft from Peru to Australia
Willis, William - 1893-
Why a Son needs a Dad
Lang , Gregory E.
Wild Ocean - the Story of the North Atlantic and the Men Who Sailed It
Villiers, Alan J.
Window on my Heart - The autobiography of Olave Baden-Powell . Lady Baden-Powell
Baden-Powell , Olave St. Clair (Soames)
Winter Holiday
Ransome , Arthur
Winter in Fireland - a Patagonian Sailing Adventure
Coghlan , Nicholas
Wisdom of the Desert - Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century
Merton, Thomas
With Lawrence in Arabia New enlarged edition
Thomas, Lowell
World of Christopher Columbus
Rahn, Peter and Carla
The World of Gerard Mercator - the mapmaker who revolutionized geography
Taylor, Andrew
World lit only by fire - The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance - Portrait of An Age
Manchester , William
The Wreck of the Whaleship Essex - A narrative acount by Owen Chase, First Mate
Chase, Owen
Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy - Ernest Hemingways Secret Adventures 1935-1961
Reynolds, Nicholas
Young Crusoe - The adventures of a shipwrecked boy on the island of St. the Indian
Hofland , Barbara - 1770-1844
Dr. Zhivago
Pasternak, Boris L.
Zimmermann Telegram - The astounding historic espionage operation that propelled America
Tuchman , Barbara W.
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