by Greenlaw, Linda - 1960
pub. by Hyperion, NY. 2008 -       isbn 978-0-7868-6 - 262 pages.
Linda Greenlaw is the captain of her lobsterboat. She also captained a swordfishing boat, and has written non-fiction books on commercial fishing. This is her first work of fiction, a mystery.
She has a degree in English from Colby College in Waterville, Maine. She is well prepared to write non-fiction and fiction on fishing and coastal affairs in northeastern USA.
Her protagonist is Jane Bunker, who was born in coastal Maine but moved to Florida as a child. The character, Jane Bunker, grew up in Florida and in her youth was involved with commercial fishing there. Later became a police investigator, and left that to retire (escape?) to her ancestral homeland, coastal Maine. As a way to make a living she takes a job as an insurance investigator. Old habits of criminal investigation take over her life when she comes upon an eccentric man in the community who turns up on the beach, dead, and possibly murdered. The plot unfolds, and comes to a satisfying conclusion.
This is a good fast read. ~2012-10-02~

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