The Last Crusader - a novel about Don Juan of Austria
by De Wohl, Luis 1903-1961.
Pub by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia & NY 1956 - ISBN (later edition - Ignatius Press ) 978-1-5817-414-9     495 pages -
This is an eminently readable fictional account of the life of John, of Austria, 1547-1578, who was the illegitimate son of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (Spanish) and half brother of King Philip II of Spain. Don Juan was the Admiral of the Holy Alliance fleet at the naval battle of Lepanto, (off the west coast of Greece in 1571 where the combined Venetian fleet, the Papal fleet and Spanish fleet destroyed the fleet of the Ottoman Empire.
The huge lantern from the stern of the flagship of the Ottoman fleet was captured and is now the incense burner hung inside the Santiago de Compostela church in NW Spain where it is used even in modern time. (year 2010)

~ 1964- ~

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