Rock with wings
by Hillerman, Anne
pub. by HarperCollins, NY, 2015 -       isbn; 978-0-06227051-1     Acknowledgements and Disclaimers p. map of spooky sites on pages viii - 319-320     -     Glossary of Navajo words used in Rock with Wings p. 321-322.     total 323 pages.
This is Anne Hillermans second novel. It follows the series written by her father, Tony Hillerman. It is of the Leaphorn. Chee and Manueleto series.
It is a - page turner - not so much by excitement as for the reader wanting to know what is coming up next. The story is complex with a number of twists. For much of the action Bernie (Bernadette Manueleto) operates separately from her husband, Joe Chee. They plan a short vacation together, but are soon called back into police service, Chee in Monument Valley where a movie is being filmed and Manueleto called into duty back in the Shiprock, New Mexico area. Family matters add realism and compication. As with most mystery novels the threads come together at the end.
A very satisfying and readable story. Highly recommended.

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