Pigeon Post
by Ransome, Arthur
pub. by J. B. Lippincott Co. - 1936 - reprinted by Puffin Books 1969 - 1981     isbn 0-1403-03936 Puffin Book edition in 1981
_ - - (Swallows and Amazons Series)
Again in time of COVID-19 needing some -comfort food- reading, I re-read Pigeon Post in February 2021.
The families include the Walkers (Swallows) - John Susan Titty and Roger and the Blacketts (Amazons) Nancy (aka Ruth) and Peggy - the Callums, (in later books the Scrabs, after the Scarab is built) Dick and Dorothea .
No sailing in this book in the series. The Swallows and Amazons look for gold in and around mines in the old works strewn in the hills (fells) which rise above the lake. Dick and Dorothea are characters in this book. Good adventure. Pigeons are used to keep the childrens mining camp in touch with their parents house. Plenty of adventure though, including surviving a brush fire in the high parts of the mountains. A good read.
This story set in the Lake District in England.

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