Sea-Boats, Oars and Sails
by OBrien, Conor
pub. by Loadstar Books, London, UK 2013 isbn 978-1-90206-17-7 (later edition) - (1st Ed Oxford Univ. Press 1941) - illustrated with drawings by the author p. 160-172 - - Index pl 158-159 - - postscript p. 173-175 Lugger for the 21st Century - other B and W modern illustrations within text.
Imagine small boating with work boats, not yachts, before fiberglass, before epoxy, before nylon or dacron. Then imagine the practice of going to sea and estuary in small boats along the often rugged and stormy coast of England (UK) and Ireland. Imagine discussion with one who has great experience in that place, in that era. That is what this book dishes up.
Edward Conor Marshall OBrien born 1880 died 1952 was an Irish intellectual and Republican Nationalist. He sailed around the world 1923-1924 on his 42 ft. Saoirse. He had considerable experience sailing small boats in Ireland and UK waters and was known to design boats.
This edition of Sea-Boats begins with a forward by Sam Llweellyn written in 2013 which introduces the book to the modern reader.
The first part of this book is delightfully written - then it becomes one for which much boat building, design and sailing knowledge is useful before understanding the information dense text following.
Do NOT use this book for your first introduction to the world of small boat.
It is, however an excellent book for the knowledgeable boater to better understand the world of design, bust building and boat operating.
Chapters -
Construction and Materials
The Rowing Boat
The Sailing Boat
Standard Rigs
Ribband Carvel
A Canvas Canoe
Sundry Fittings
Rigging nad Running Gear
Gear and Gadgets
Sails and Fancy Rigs
The Boat Under Oars
Under Sail
Mooring and Beaching
Loose Ends
Postscript (A small lugger for the 21st century
~ 2016-03-10 ~
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