Blood from a stone
by Leon, Donna (1942- )
pub by Atlantic Monthly Books, NY - 2005 -       - isbn 0-87113-887-5 - LCCN 2005 040961 - - 276 pages - -
This is one of the Commissario Guido Brunetti series of crime novels.
Commissario Burnetti is an upper middle level investigator of the Questura, a police organization in Italian Venice.
An African street vendor is shot by what seems a pair of professional assassins. This man had no identity, and finding his identity is a vexing problem as unofficial immigrants are often ignored and allowed to live in peace on the fringes of society, most often as street vendors. Even when some of his fellow African vendors are found they are not helpful revealing who the dead man was, even what country in Africa he (and they) come from. Burnetti has a boss who strongly suggests he drop the case and that law enforcement on a higher level - at a national level - take over the case. Burnetti can not let it go. A man is dead, the Commissario can not let it go. partially in respect to the deceased, and partially because it is an offense against public order.
The realization of the conclusion comes at a reasonable pace, and Brunetti discovers that the whole reason is from the much larger world than the Venice he loves, or even Italy.
This is an OK read.


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