The Joshua Slocum Society International (JSSI) is a non-profit organization, founded in 1955, of cruising sailors, writers, and people interested in the historical personage of Capt. Joshua Slocum and his legacy.
Solo Circumnavigators List - started by the JSSI and updated
It is an organization dedicated to supporting sailboating, particularly singlehanded voyaging.
It celebrates the accomplishments of Joshua Slocum,
the first person to sail alone around the world.
- unfortunately the Joshua Slocum Society International was disbanded (un-incorporated) in 2011
some Spray newsletters in PDF format - large files
Joshua Slocum born 1844, missing at sea 1909. Sea captain during the age of sail.
There was a Joshua Slocum Society
International Official Website - November 2001. - Since 2011 the Society no longer exists.
its web presence was archived as of Feb. 2018.- but in 2024 that was missing.
When it existed the contact information was -
dues were $35.00 per year, local and international.
some Spray newsletters the official publication of the organization - in PDF format - large files
Joshua Slocum's voyage, on the Liberdade from Brazil to the East Coast of USA has been recently recreated.
David Sinnett-Jones, of Wales, constructed a near-reproduction of the Liberdade and sailed it half-way across
the Atlantic in 1998.
The voyage then continued, following Slocum's track and recently completed the journey, arriving in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on May, 23, 2000.
Click Here for the 1998 Centennial Celebration Parade of Boats photos.
Click Here for more 1998 Centennial Celebration photos.
Click Here for a really good site describing the
Centennial Celebration.
It includes some good pictures, - seems gone - it did have
excellent links and scanned images of a 1901 Sloop Spray souvenir booklet.
Click Here for Golden Circle Recognitions - recent circumnavigators
Click Here for Award Presentation Notes - Singlehanded Sailing and Hakluyt Awards
Click Here for information on Books by and About Joshua Slocum. New list of titles
The most thorough and accurate biography of Joshua Slocum is
A Man for All Oceans - Captain Joshua Slocum and the first solo voyage around the world - by Stan Grayson -
Published by Tilbury House Publishers. 12 Start Street, Thomaston, ME 04861 - - pub in 2017
with New Bedford Whaling Museum. 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford, MA 02740
Description: xiv, 399.pages
ISBN: - - 978-0-88448-548-3 $29.95 - note that Amazon does list this book
Smithsonian Magazine is celebrating the accomplishment of the
first solo circumnavigation with a detailed article.
Click Here for more details on the article,
a pointer to the Smithsonian site,
and the text of an abstract of the article.
Click Here for information
on the June 1998 Centennial Celebration as it was planned.
K. Slack of Australia built a replica of the Spray and wrote a book on the effort.
He also made plans available. He is now deceased - for a while his son made the plans available but
more recently ceased, very probably for lack of external interest.
Information on Slocum and his vessels on this site
Click Here for more images of
the Spray.
Click Here for lines diagrams of the Spray.
Click here for information on 2 sources for PLANS for the SPRAY, as they are interpreted by a modern designer, and in a more traditional plan.
Click Here To see images of the Liberdade the boat Joshua Slocum
constructed when shipwrecked at a much earlier time,
and sailed back to USA from Brazil, with his family.
The Circumnavigators small boat voyagers of modern times by Don Holm.
This book has a chapter on Slocum, and chapters on 38 other small boat circumnavigators.
It was originally published in 1974.
It is being converted to machine readable - HTML - format with the author's permission.
Cruising Club of America Blue Water Award Winners from 1923 - 1973 are listed in The Circumnavigators
To send e-mail to the web page writer mittel48 @ - Click here