\Pt Aransas Wooden Boat Fest 2019 Family Boatbuilding

Port Aransas Wooden Boat Festival 2019
Other Events

Official website Port Aransas Wooden Boat Festival

This year the event was on 12 - 14 April 2019
in Port Aransas, Texas

The Festival was in Roberts Park - as it was in previous years it is
adjacent to the Port Aransas yacht basin / harbor
and just east of the Port Aransas Ferry docks on the North end of the Port Aransas, on Mustang Island, Texas


This page is a stub - information on other events will be added later

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2019 Port Aransas Wooden Boat Festival - Main page

Family Boatbuilding 2019

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Port Aransas plyWoodenBoat Fest 2014_1.htm The first plyWooden Boat Festival 2014 Page 1

The 2015 Port Aransas plyWooden Boat Festival - The Second festival

The 2016 Port Aransas plyWooden Boat Festival - The Third festival

As noted there was no 2017 Wooden Boat Festival in Port Aransas due to Hurricane Harvey.

The 2018 Port Aransas Wooden Boat Festival - page 2 -

The 2018 Port Aransas Wooden Boat Festival - page 1 - Family Boatbuilding - Dave Gentry skin-on-frame - CLC boats

Port Aransas, Texas WWII Coastal Defense - gun mount.

to STexBoat Index page.

Shell page to be filled in later

- update 21 April 2019 -

to STexBoat Index page.