Vacation to New Mexico - 6
27 December 2003 - 2 January 2004

Cuchillo de Medio campground - Taos Ski Valley

2003 -12-29 2:14 p IM000052.JPG -- Jenny Mittelstaedt --

2003 -12-29 3:39 p P1040167.JPG

2003 -12-29 3:40 p P1040168.JPG -- Joseph Mittelstaedt --

2003 -12-29 3:40 p P1040169.JPG

2003 -12-29 3:40 p P1040170.JPG

2003 -12-29 3:40 p P1040171.JPG

2003 -12-29 3:41 p P1040172.JPG -- Mona Mittelstaedt --

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