head in body

Table sample with background colors

xyz - B70A0D abc - no bgcolor color E7E2CF

table 2 - element 1 table 2 - element 2

table 3 - element 1 table 3 - element 2

table 4 - element 1 table 4 - element 2

table 5 - element 1 table 5 - element 2

Table with columns - width limited to 50 percent
Troop Recognition Troop Activities
Scouter Magazine - Sept. 2001 - Monthly Campouts
. - Week-long Campouts
Camp Perry Award     Camp Perry
Quality Unit     Winter Camp
.     El Rancho Cima
12 Eagle Scouts - High Adventure Camps
.     Double H
.     Philmont Scout Ranch
. - National Jamboree
. - International
.     Baden Powell - Monterrey, Mexico
.     El Real de Catorce - SLP, Mexico

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